Halo teman
– teman, setelah kemarin kita membahas tentang job interview, sekarang kita
akan membahas mengenai how to write a cv.
Dalam membuat CV ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan. Nah, mari kita lihat
apa saja yang ada didalam CV itu.
pertama yang harus kita ketahui adalah… apa yang dimaksud dengan cv itu? Mari
kita bahas.
CV and Resume both are the most common terms in the
recruitment industry. CV is a shorthand abbreviation of Curriculum Vitae.
Curriculum Vitae is a Latin word that means “course of life”. Both CVs
and Resumes are referred to as a document that includes information about your
achievements, experiences, and personal details. Both help you to get into the
interview conversation. Yet, there is a minor difference between both terms. A
resume is a one- to two-page document presenting key facts about your
professional experience, educational background, and skills. A CV (Curriculum
Vitae) is a longer document that details the whole course of your career. A
resume is used for job search, a CV—for academic purposes.
Setelah paham dan tahu apa itu CV, selanjutnya
kita akan membahas apa tujuan kita membuat CV
What are CV and its function?
curriculum vitae, often abbreviated as CV, is a document that job applicants
use to showcase their academic and professional accomplishments. It is used to
apply for positions within areas where a person's specific knowledge or
expertise is required.
Why do we use a CV?
A CV is a short
document that gives you a chance to show a prospective employer the best of
what you've got. It sells your skills, experience, and shows them you're the
Dalam membuat
CV kita harus memperhatikan klausa /
ungkapan dalam CV
a) CV in a
are asked to send in a CV and a covering letter.
send a full CV, quoting the appropriate reference.
the accuracy of everything in your CV.
them a copy of your CV.
your CV with a covering letter.
a full CV with your job application.
To avoid using empty words and phrases in your
CV, the STAR technique can help you to tell your story in a more compelling
way. Commonly used in interviews, STAR stands for:
Situation: What was the situation or
challenge you faced?
Task: What was the task you needed
to accomplish?
Action: Which specific actions did
you take to deal with the situation or challenge?
Result: What was the outcome you
reached or the result you achieved?
Berikut adalah contoh CV
yang bisa kalian tiru
Dibawah ini adalah contoh dari CV yang saya buat
Selesai pembahasan kita mengenai cara
membuat CV. Sampai jumpa dipembahasan selanjutnya.